Click Here to Register Your Interest
Service ID |
Price |
€4,000 |
Method of Delivery |
Hybrid (Online/On-site at UCC), 6 hours (one day) Participants should express their interest in participating through the accompanying online form linked here. Dates for this skills development course will be circulated periodically to those interested. The course will be delivered once in October, once in November, and once in December 2024. The course will take place on 28th Nov 2024 from 10am to 4pm. |
About the Tutor |
This course is delivered by Professor Barry O’Sullivan from University College Cork. Professor O’Sullivan is a full professor at the School of Computer Science & IT at University College Cork (Ireland) and a visiting professor at Northwestern (Illinois, USA). He works on artificial intelligence, constraint programming, operations research, AI/data ethics, and public policy. He contributes to several global Track II diplomacy efforts related to geopolitical aspects of AI. He is founding director of the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics at UCC and the SFI Centre for Research Training in AI. He served as Vice Chair of the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence which formulated the EU’s ethical approach to AI. He currently represents the European Union at the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence.
Professor O’Sullivan is a Fellow and a past President of the European Artificial Intelligence Association. He is also a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. He is a member of the Royal Irish Academy and holds a number of ministerial appointments, such as Chair of the National Research Ethics Committee for Medical Devices and member of Ireland’s AI Advisory Council. He conducts his diplomacy work in collaboration with INHR (Geneva, Brussels, Washington DC), the Center for New American Security (Washington DC), and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. His awards include Science Foundation Ireland Researcher of the Year (2016), Member of the Royal Irish Academy (2017), IPEC-EATCS Nerode Prize (2020), Science Foundation Ireland Best International Engagement Award (2021), and the European AI Association’s Distinguished Service Award (2023). |
About the service |
The European AI Act came into effect on August 1st 2024. Article 4 of the Act places obligations in relation to AI literacy within organisation that provide or deploy AI systems. Specifically, Article 4 says “Providers and deployers of AI systems shall take measures to ensure, to their best extent, a sufficient level of AI literacy of their staff and other persons dealing with the operation and use of AI systems on their behalf, taking into account their technical knowledge, experience, education and training and the context the AI systems are to be used in, and considering the persons or groups of persons on whom the AI systems are to be used.” This skills development course provides a grounding in artificial intelligence, how ethical principles have been developed and applied to AI systems, and how these have informed the development of the AI Act. This course will offer companies a grounding to help them ensure compliance with the AI literacy obligations under the Act. |
What to expect |
This comprehensive one-day skills development course will provide participants with:
What you take away / Deliverables |
On completion of this skills development course attendees will have an appreciation for the principles of AI systems, understand how ethics principles have applied to AI and informed the AI Act. Attendees will have attained a basic level of AI literacy sufficient to assess an AI system against the Seven Key Requirements for Trustworthy AI which underpin the AI Act. |
This service is designed for? |
SMEs and Public sector organisations. |
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