Service ID
Standard Service: ENTIRE-TYN-03
Advanced Services: ENTIRE-TYN-04

Standard Service: €24,803
Advanced Services: €37,204

*This cost can be fully discounted for SMEs (under De Minimis Aid rules) and public sector organisations in the EU through the ENTIRE EDIH which has been funded by the European Commission Recovery and Resilience Fund.

Method of Delivery
The service will be performed onsite in Tyndall National Institute – Cork Facilities.

About the Service
The Service can involve characterisation of electronic hardware , review of an electronic design, test and characterisation, components characterisation, software review, etc. The service will be provided by an onsite expert at Tyndall National Institute. The terms and conditions of the service will be agreed upon discussion of the specific need of the company.

What to expect

  • Preliminary meeting to discuss and agree the scope of work to provide the best service adapted to the needs of the company.
  • Performance of the service.
  • The client will receive a comprehensible report as agreed per initial discussions with the results of the service provided and an explanatory guidance through the results obtained.

What you take away/Deliverables
The client will receive a comprehensible report including any test results as agreed per initial discussions with the results of the service provided and an explanatory guidance through the results obtained.

This service is designed for?
Private sector organisations (SMEs and Mid-caps) under De Minimis Aid rules, and public sector organisations (PSOs).

Prerequisite services
This service will require a DMA (Digital Maturity Assessment) to be performed before and after the “Test-Before-Invest” project



Enquire About This Service

Contact: Dr. Paul Galvin